Minsmere RSPB Reserve
6-7 June 2015
Sand Martins (Riparia riparia) and Swift (Apus apus)
Sand Martins (<i>Riparia riparia</i>) and Swift (<i>Apus apus</i>)<br />Sand Martin (<i>Riparia riparia</i>)
Sand Martins (<i>Riparia riparia</i>) and Swift (<i>Apus apus</i>)<br />Sand Martin (<i>Riparia riparia</i>)
Sand Martins (<i>Riparia riparia</i>) and Swift (<i>Apus apus</i>)<br />Sand Martin (<i>Riparia riparia</i>)
Sand Martins (<i>Riparia riparia</i>) and Swift (<i>Apus apus</i>)<br />Sand Martin (<i>Riparia riparia</i>)
Sand Martins (<i>Riparia riparia</i>) and Swift (<i>Apus apus</i>)<br />Sand Martin (<i>Riparia riparia</i>)
Sand Martins (<i>Riparia riparia</i>) and Swift (<i>Apus apus</i>)<br />Sand Martin (<i>Riparia riparia</i>)
Sand Martins (<i>Riparia riparia</i>) and Swift (<i>Apus apus</i>)<br />Sand Martin (<i>Riparia riparia</i>)
Sand Martins (<i>Riparia riparia</i>) and Swift (<i>Apus apus</i>)<br />Sand Martin (<i>Riparia riparia</i>)
Sand Martins (<i>Riparia riparia</i>) and Swift (<i>Apus apus</i>)<br />Sand Martin (<i>Riparia riparia</i>)
Sand Martins (<i>Riparia riparia</i>) and Swift (<i>Apus apus</i>)<br />Sand Martin (<i>Riparia riparia</i>)
Sand Martins (<i>Riparia riparia</i>) and Swift (<i>Apus apus</i>)<br />Sand Martin (<i>Riparia riparia</i>)
Sand Martins (<i>Riparia riparia</i>) and Swift (<i>Apus apus</i>)<br />Sand Martin (<i>Riparia riparia</i>)
Sand Martins (<i>Riparia riparia</i>) and Swift (<i>Apus apus</i>)<br />Swift (<i>Apus apus</i>)
Sand Martins (<i>Riparia riparia</i>) and Swift (<i>Apus apus</i>)<br />Swift (<i>Apus apus</i>)
Sand Martins (<i>Riparia riparia</i>) and Swift (<i>Apus apus</i>)<br />Swift (<i>Apus apus</i>)
Sand Martins (<i>Riparia riparia</i>) and Swift (<i>Apus apus</i>)<br />Swift (<i>Apus apus</i>)
Sand Martins (<i>Riparia riparia</i>) and Swift (<i>Apus apus</i>)<br />Swift (<i>Apus apus</i>)
Other Species
Other Species<br />Magpie (<i>Pica pica</i>)
Other Species<br />Young Herring Gull (<i>Larus argentatus</i>)
Other Species<br />Mallard (<i>Anas platyrhynchos</i>)
Other Species<br />Greylag Goose (<i>Anser anser</i>)
Other Species<br />Greylag Goose (<i>Anser anser</i>)
Other Species<br />Young Greylag Goose (<i>Anser anser</i>)
Other Species<br />Young Greylag Goose (<i>Anser anser</i>)
Other Species<br />Avocet (<i>Recurvirostra avosetta</i>)
Other Species<br />Avocet (<i>Recurvirostra avosetta</i>)
Other Species<br />Marsh Harrier (<i>Circus aeruginosus</i>)
Other Species<br />Marsh Harrier (<i>Circus aeruginosus</i>)
Other Species<br />Stickleback (<i>Gasterosteus aculeatus</i>) - This is actually the famous Frisky Phil from Springwatch!
Other Species<br />Stickleback (<i>Gasterosteus aculeatus</i>) - This is actually the famous Frisky Phil from Springwatch!
Other Species<br />Four-spotted Chaser Dragonfly (<i>Libellula quadrimaculata</i>)
Other Species<br />Hairy Dragonfly (<i>Brachytron pratense</i>)
Other Species<br />Norfolk Hawker Dragonfly (<i>Aeshna isoceles</i>) - also known as the Green-Eyed Hawker and is aparantly very rare!
Other Species<br />Young Great spotted woodpecker (<i>Dendrocopos major</i>)
Other Species<br />Great spotted woodpecker (<i>Dendrocopos major</i>) feeding chick

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Copyright © 2015 Andy Gooden